Passive water intake screens also known as Johnson screens, wedge wire screens. They are designed to provide a low and even slot velocity, typically less than 0.5 f/s / 0.135 m/s, to protect aquatic life and minimize debris impingement when drawing water from river, lake or sea.
Usually passive water intake screens have a large diameters and wider slots. After be installed, there will be no debris plugged nozzles and the water flowing through the pivots is clean enough.
Each passive water intake screens are supplied with lifting lugs for installation and possible re-installation.
Removable ends can be deployed (with hinges, bolts or similar) for yearly mechanical cleaning.
Advantages of stainless steel passive water intake screens:
1. Reliable water delivery
2. Lower cost
3. Lower maintenance cost
4. Very low slot velocity and uniform flow
5. Environment friendly
6. Bio-fouling resistant screens material
The continuous-slot screens, widely used throughout the world for water, oil, and gas wells, is the domina...