Item Code: RXSOL-16-1088-25
Excellent pre treatment and binder for metal surfaces to be painted. concentrated blend of rxsol proprietory formulated various products, which is specifically designed for the rapid removal of rust, while providing phosphatized ferrous metal surface.
Other Valuable Product
1)Rust Stain Remover SAFE JELLY-
Bio degradable NON Hazardous Rust Remover , SUITABLE FOR vertical rust removal, Its Rust removal solution is safe and non flamable so even it can be ship by air . Recommended to use a RXSOL ALK 2015 wash after rust removal , to protect FURTHER RUSTING.part no:RXSOL-18-1012-025
Our specialisation is for Marine Shipping Indiustries, Oilfield,Metal and Steel industries, Water Treatment, Power Stati...