Four-roll, Six-roll cold rolling mill
It includes models with width range between 650mm and 1450mm, with the highest speed of 1200m/min, the maximum rolling force of 2000T and the maximum coiling tension of 24 tons. It can be used for rolling alloy steel such as 65Mn and 30 CrMo, allows various profile adjustment ways such as positive/negative bending of working roll, bending and twitching of intermediate roll, depressing for deviation adjustment and cooling roll step by step, and can be provided with double-station roll changing carriage, oil-gas lubrication system for roll bearing and automatic rolling line adjustment device. The electric drive system adopts Siemens S7-400 PLC as the main controller and AGC system is controlled by Siemens S7-416+FM458. Key elements, such as EMG automatic centering system, MOOG servo valve, SONY magnetic scale, POLYTEC laser velocimeter and Dr-Brandt tensionmenter, are imported products.
Hebei moran environmental protection technology Co., Ltd. is a supplier of cold rolling mill,skin pass mill,tension leve...