VMCTP60 complete rice mill plant is a continuous production line, it contains dust catcher, cleaning destoner machine, rice huller, paddy rice separator machine, rice mill machine, rice polisher, rice grader machine. and for the rice color sorter machine, rice polisher machine, rice package machine, customers can choose to use according to real situation. And for this large capacity rice mill production line, better users can take the paddy rice materials pit or use a rice storage tank which can keep the materials safety and long time.
For this full set rice mill production line, need to build the working platform and also the operate panel, we can send technical workers fo to help customers install the whole production line and guide how to maintain the machines.
1).whole set rice mill production line, automatic working save labor and time. 2).For the rice mill plant used rice milling machines, can be customized according to customer's needs.
Zhengzhou VOS Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000, is an inergrated solution provide of manufacturer, equi...