VMCTP38 complete rice mill plant is a continuous production line, it contains dust catcher, cleaning destoner machine, rice huller, paddy rice separator machine, rice mill machine, rice color sorter machine and rice grader machine. For the rice polisher machine and rice package machine customers not required, so that not take. About the rice color sorter machine, customers said there are some black rice inside, so that he want to use the color sorter machine to separate the final products, high technical machines.
It has advanced technical skills, compact structure, high outlet advantages. It is an ideal choice for the medium grain processing enterprise.
1).whole set rice mill production line, automatic working save labor and time. 2).For the rice mill plant used rice milling machines, can be customized according to customer's needs.
3).Automatic working, less broken rate.
4).For the rice mill production line capacity can be customized according to needs.
Zhengzhou VOS Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. was founded in 2000, is an inergrated solution provide of manufacturer, equi...