Sterler Tech Co., Ltd

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T/T, Other

A. Sterler has 15 years’ experience in Steel Wire production. We also had incorporation with some of famous Japan’s Automobile Factories (the end user HONDA and TOYOTA) and had imported to Indonesia and Thailand (almost 700ton/month). We are greatly improving high tensile strength (2000±50 MPa). Even in Shaped Wires, we are providing optimized solutions for various industries, like wedge wire, applied in hydraulic engineering.
In addition, Sterler had their own R&D
, in focus on the development of new materials. They use the new technique of the DEFORM 3D simulation design which can analyze the three-dimensional (3D) flow through a complex metal forming processes, that can improve the quality, reduce the costs and shorten the delivery.
B. Products: Shaped Wire, Carbon Wire, Oil Tempered Wire (Alloy), Stainless Wire
Shaped wire range: 2.0mm~20mm
Round wire range: Carbon wire: 2~7mm
Oil Tempered wire: 7~17mm
C. Certificate: ISO 9001:2015


