Recycling Depot Limited


E-Cycle Environmental embraces the vision of corporate United Kingdom becoming green at all levels of their business.

Recycling Depot Environmentals mission is to provide businesses with simple turn-key solutions that promote green practices throughout the work place.

Currently vast quantities of waste from the United Kingdom is exported to third world countries for recycling. In many cases the wastes are toxic and considered hazardous by the EPA. In third world countrie
s there are no environmental laws, so things can be recycled with no regard for the health of the people or the environment. Recycling Depot Environmental supports the Domestic Recycling Campaign and attempts to partner with organizations that recycle locally in the United Kingdom. Domestic Recycling is a campaign that embraces recycling in the United KIngdom because ethical and environmental methods are utilized. Domestic Recycling also helps strengthen the UKs weakening economy by promoting jobs on our soil.

Recycling Depot understands that the recycling industry has challenges, but believes Domestic Recycling will truly bring a better today and tomorrow


